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Nobel Laureate Professor Oliver Williamson Speaks at NDHU
Published : 2010-06-25

Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Professor Oliver E. Williamson, gave a Distinguished Lecture entitled “Transaction Cost Economics: Past, Present and Beyond” on June 25, 2010, at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU).

The Distinguished Lecture was sponsored by the Sayling Wen Cultural & Educational Foundation. In the lecture, Professor Williamson explained the theory and the conceptual development of transaction cost economics. He also shared his analysis on regulation and economic governance.

An audience of over 300, including the NDHU community and senior high school students in Hualien, were attracted to the public lecture with interest and enthusiasm.

Knowledge exchange has been an important element of NDHU’s mission. From time to time, distinguished lectures are held to inspire young students by the sharing of the sages and to broaden their horizons by meeting with some of the most brilliant minds in the world today.

Professor Williamson is a renowned economist in transaction cost economics. In 2009, he was a co-recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm.

Professor Williamson, Nobel Laureate, at NDHU.
Professor Williamson, Nobel Laureate, at NDHU.

 Professor Williamson at the Distinguished Lecture.
Professor Williamson at the Distinguished Lecture.


Updated : 2011-04-13
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