Physics Professor Yuan-Ron Ma and His Team Invited to Review Recent Developments of 1D Metal-Oxide Nanostructures in Advanced Functional Materials
Published : 2012-10-22
Yuan-Ron Ma, Professor of Physics at the National Dong Hwa University, with the research team he leads, has concentrated on the study of one-dimensional (1D) metal-oxide nanostructures in recent years and published papers in a few internationally renowned academic journals. Professor Ma and his team were invited in 2011 by the editors of Advanced Functional Materials, a semimonthly peer-reviewed journal, to write a feature article to review the recent developments of 1D metal-oxide nanostructures. Their 45-page comprehensive article, “One-Dimensional Metal-Oxide Nanostructures: Recent Developments in Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications,” later appears in the August 21 issue (Vol. 22, Iss. 16) of the journal this year. It is also the only article in it by an invited research team from Taiwan so far. Published by the German publisher Wiley-VCH, Advanced Functional Materials has an ISI Impact Factor of 10.179 in 2011, making it one of the most important international academic journals in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology.
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